The Prodigy Pianist has developed a special program for young children below 6 based on the world-famous Kodaly method and provides top quality piano instruction and service. The goal of the program is to create a joyful, enthusiastic atmosphere that enriches students' learning through a well-rounded and complete musical education.
Students already at this young age are provided with several opportunities to perform and share their artistry with others. Students sing, play piano and dance from memory, a large number of traditional singing games, chants, and folk songs. First from the child's own heritage of folk song material and later expanded to include music of other cultures and countries.
Later students learn to perform, listen to, and analyze the great art music of the world. The final goal is to achieve mastery of musical skills, such as musical reading and writing, singing and part-singing, to improvise and compose, using their known musical vocabulary at each developmental level.
Being a responsible professional and a well rounded human being with a healthy work moral and ethic is the utmost goal. Tunde Krasznai teaches piano in group sessions and for individuals as well.
Our steps:
- hear it first
- then imagine
- then understand
- then read and write
- then create
- then play
- then perform artistically with confidence